Our Lord, God and Savior Jesus Christ is at the center of our Christian faith, and his icon is first and foremost in every church and sacred space.
This 1500-year-old icon is the oldest known wooden panel depicting Jesus Christ as Pantocrator, Almighty. It is also one of the most famous icons of our Lord, recognized around the world. It may have been a gift from Emperor Saint Justinian at the founding of Saint Catherine's Monastery, and would thus have been painted in Constantinople around the year 560.
It was painted using the encaustic method, which was used from antiquity for portraiture. It involves mixing the paint with melted wax and applying it to the wooden panel. This results in a unique translucent quality and rich, bold colors that have lasted through the centuries.
The Lord's face is not symmetrical, but rather seems to have two sides with different expressions. The left side is smoother and gentler, while the right side has more contrast and a stern quality. This has been interpreted as depicting the two natures of Christ, Man and God (which would have been on the mind of Christians in the aftermath of the Councils of Ephesus and Chalcedon), or as his roles as Savior at his first coming and Judge at his second coming.
The icon was originally taller and wider, but at some point in history it was cut down to its present size. There is some damage to the icon on the left side (viewer's right) of his face, ear, and hair, but it is in otherwise remarkable condition. Some touch-ups and repairs to the image were done over the centuries.
As Egypt and Sinai were overtaken by Arab rule in the 7th century, this icon survived the century of iconoclasm that swept across the Byzantine Empire, when most icons of this antiquity were destroyed. The treasury of Mount Sinai is one of the only places that escaped this dark period in church history.
By purchasing this icon, you will also be helping Saint Catherine's Monastery continue to preserve the richness of Christian heritage and history for future generations.